Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lesson ideas Using the XO

Grade Level: P6

Subject: Math

Lesson: Straight lines, angles and geometric shapes

Activity: Turtle Art and Paint

Using turtle art begin with the basic foundation angles instructing the students to construct 180, 90, 60 and 30 degree angles. To do this they will need to use a forward command and turn (either right or left) command followed by another forward command. In the turn command the children can experiment with different numbers signifying the degree of angle they choose to construct.

This simple activity leads to the logical next progression of what happens when you start adding more angles? The students can experiment creating different designs on Turtle Art for a brief period of time then the real challenge can begin.

The teacher can write two columns on separate note cards or on a chalk board. One column will contain a list of different shapes and the other column will contain the characteristic of each corresponding shapes. Going one by one down the list, the teacher can describe the shape using side lengths and angles, have the students draw the shape on paint to visualize the shape, and then challenge the students to come up with a series of commands on turtle art that correctly draws the shape. Once one of the students believes he has the answer he can verbalize the commands to the teacher who can write them on the board and ask the class if they agree or disagree and why? Then using a protractor and the chalk board the teacher can draw out the shapes as the commands dictate and test the students’ predictions. There are many ways to draw the same shape, even using different commands and once one set of commands works the students should be encouraged to think of other ways to draw the same shape.

Examples of Shapes that can be used:

Triangle – Isosceles, Right, Equilateral, Scalene

Quadrilateral – Rectangle, Square, Parrallegram, Trapezoid




Circle … etc.

Examples of Lessons:

Lines of Symmetry

Pythagorean Theorem




Interior, Center, Exterior Angles

Compliment/ Supplement angles... etc.

After a few of these exercises the students can be turned loose to experiment and come up with shapes on their own as there is an unlimited number of ways to draw different shapes using Turtle Art. Homework and group work for this activity will be fun and interactive. Groups can be assigned to create complex geometric shapes or designs, even real life objects such as buildings, houses or words. Individual homework can consist of writing a set of commands in write activity that accomplishes a set shape. Students can even come up with their own challenges, creating shapes or designs for other students and challenging them to create commands that correctly draw it out.

Turtle Art is very explicit and comprehensive tool for learning geometry and apply mathematical concepts. Lesson can often be taught completely through turtle art or Turtle Art can be used as a supplement. Although students will often surprise and impress their teachers with their abilities in Turtle Art, a few things should be expected: Turtle Art will actively engage students in lessons, encourage their creativity, internalize through experimentation and inspire a love for geometry.

1 comment:

  1. You have really good ideas.
    Could you make a new post transforming it in a lesson compressible for the teachers, pointing which page of the book. Like step by step... with screens that you are going to use, since they will learning the XO activities through this lesson.
